CRM for Hiring

Manage the entire recruiting process, from ‘prospect’ to ‘close.’

Track Applicants Inside Your Email

Do More With Your Inbox

Track your applicants where you talk to them - in your email. Streak builds on your existing email habits to create an easy and efficient experience.

Use One Efficient System

Stop the endless switching from email to an external ATS and then back again. Streak users never BCC, forward, or copy and paste.

Familiar Design

Work with the program you’re already comfortable using - Gmail. Don’t waste time trying to learn another new piece of software. Make onboarding new users fast and easy.

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Share Resumes and Email

Read Other People’s Email (With Permission)

If you give permission, anyone else involved in the hiring process will be able to read the correspondence between you and an applicant, even if they aren’t on the original thread.

Make It Easy To Find Resumes

Resumes and other files are associated with a specific applicant for easy sharing and organizing.

Set Appropriate Permission Levels For Everyone

Opt to restrict access for some collaborators. It’s easy to share without giving up full control.

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See Details In Every Email

Get Help Remembering Who Is Who ...

A full contextual history displayed on the side of every email helps you keep your recruiting efforts personal.

... And What The Next Step Is

All fields can be updated directly from an email. Set a reminder, create an email filter, or add data - all without breaking your workflow.

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Change Process At Any Time

Get Started Immediately

Implementing Streak doesn’t begin with a call to “professional services.” Anyone can create or edit an entire workflow at any time. Add process steps or new fields whenever the need arises.

Track Anything

Streak is designed to hold any information you need to know about an applicant, including data like names, email, phone number, and location. Our advanced columns can even help you track data points like the last day an applicant’s file was updated.

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Automate Your Outreach Efforts

Mail Merge Directly From Gmail

Creating a mass mail is as easy as selecting the desired recipients, creating your message, and smacking the 'send' button triumphantly.

Customize Your Message

The ‘templates’ function allows you to create a highly personalized message for each recipient. Your prospects will have no indication they’ve been included on an automated message.

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Save Time With Snippets

Stop Typing The Same Messages Over And Over

Insert commonly repeated text with a key command. Schedule phone screens, request additional information, or confirm onsite visits with just few key strokes.

Share With Your Team

Snippets are shareable so you can leverage the skills of the best communicators on your team.

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Flawless Follow Ups

You Can’t Remember Everything

Use Streak to set reminders for timely follow ups with prospects and applicants.

Share Amongst The Team

Create a reminder for just yourself, or for everyone assigned to a file.

File A Note For Your Future Self

Leave yourself specifics on the purpose of the reminder. Or, just some friendly words of encouragement!

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Automatically Route Email To The Correct File

Let Streak Do The Organizing

Incoming email can be automatically routed to an applicant’s file based on an email address or domain.

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Track Your Messages

Know If A Prospect Is Reading Your Outreach

Receive a notification when your email is opened. Follow up at the exact right moment!

Better Understand Your Email

Do more people open an email with a particular subject line? Do many people read a message but not respond? With Streak, your email talks to you - even if your prospects don’t.

Sort By Recent Activity

Streak creates custom views in your sent mail folder. Easily see everyone who has recently opened a message AND all recipients who have read your email but not yet replied.

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Visualize Your Hiring Process

See Your Overall Pipeline

Better understand your pipeline with beautiful, easy to create visuals. See what each step in the process contains, and find bottlenecks.

Mine Your Data

Drill down on the information that is important to your hiring process.

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Fly Through Your Inbox


Temporarily archive an email - Streak will bring it back to your inbox at the time you specify.

Send Later

Reach out to prospects at the ideal time. Write the message now, but send it later!

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Click. Install. Hire.

Back To Recruiting In Under A Minute

Streak is simple to install and comes with a pre-built, elegant, hiring pipeline. Your pipeline is super flexible - customize as you go.

Frictionless Migration

Coming from another ATS? No problem! Migrating to Streak is as simple as importing a CSV file.

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Still not sure?

Try Streak free for 14 days. It takes seconds to install. And because you already know how to use Gmail, you’ll master Streak in minutes.

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